Why you should integrate DevOps in your software development process ? | OTUS >

Why you should integrate DevOps in your software development process ?

Quicker mitigation of software defects – The better communication and collaboration between operations and software development, you can identify and mitigate defects at any stage of the development cycle. The same culture can be applied to Application development

Better resource management – In the course of application and software development stage, developers and testers are constantly waiting for resources to arrive causing delays in delivery. Agile with DevOps ensures that the app development arrives in testing phase much quicker.

Reduced human errorshttps://unichrone.com/nz/devops-foundation-certification-training/wellington reduces the chances of human error during the development and operations process by deploying frequent iterations. Reduce application failure rate with multiple in-process deployments on a defined schedule.

Enhanced version control https://unichrone.com/nz/devops-foundation-certification-training/wellington allows the developers to leverage on programmable dynamic infrastructure at all stages of software/ application development cycle.

Stable operating environment – DevOps is established to bring stability with reliability. Organizations with DevOps get their deployment 30 times faster than their rivals.

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